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3D Images:
Filmetrics 3D Image (.fibps)
Filmetrics Point Cloud (.fibpc)
Filmetrics Text (.txt)
AFM Workshop ASCII (.wsf)†
Alicona (.al3d)†
Alpha-Step® D-Series (.amb)†
Asylum Research (WaveMetrics Igor Pro) (.ibw)†
Bruker Contour, Dektak (.opdx)†
Bruker (Veeco) Dimension (....)†
Bruker (Veeco) Nanoscope (....)†
Bruker (Wyko) (.opd)†
Bruker (Wyko) ASCII (.ascii)†
Digital Surf Surface (.sur)†
FRT MicroProf (.frt)†
Gwyddion Native Format (.gwy)
Hitachi (SII NanoTechnology) (.xq*)†
Image Metrology SPIP Binary (.bcr, .bcrf)†
Image Metrology SPIPTM Ascii (.asc)†
Keyence Profilometry (.vk4)†
Lext (.lext)†
Micromap SDFA (.sdf*)
Tencor™ P-Series (.map)†
NT-MDT (.mdt)†
OpenGPS (.x3p)
Park Systems (.tif*)†
Sensofar PLu (.plu)†
Sensofar PLUx (*.plux)†
Surfstand Surface Data File (.sdf*)
Tencor™ P-Series (.map)†
WITec (.wit)†
WITec ASCII export (.dat)†
Zeta3D (.zmg)†
Zygo MetroPro (.dat)†
2D Images:
Bitmap (.bmp)
JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg)
Portable Network Graphics (.png)
Tagged Image File Format (.tif, .tiff)
JPK Instruments (.jpk*)†
Nanosurf EZD, NID (.ezd, .nid)†
Nanosurf PLT (.plt)†
RHK Instruments SM3 (.sm3)†
RHK Instruments SM4 (.sm4)†
Desktop Browsers:
Microsoft Edge 14+
Firefox 53+
Chrome 57+
Opera 44+
Safari 10+
Mobile Browsers:
iOS 10.0+
Chrome 57+
Hardware must support WebGL.
Click here to test your browser and hardware.
A dedicated graphics card is recommended for best performance.